Keynote Speeches


“Your virtual keynote made me feel like you were here, talking to me. This was the highlight of my day.”

- Chris Chevalier, Richardson Oilseed Ltd.

Take a look at some of Chris’ keynote options for your next event.

The Human Approach

Creating a culture that fosters empathy, connectedness, and camaraderie can be challenging enough, let alone while an entire organization is working from home. The needs that were being met in office dynamics are needs that still need to be met. As you prioritize the health of your business, we must prioritize what is most important to your employees - human connection. In this keynote, Chris speaks about how great companies must empower their team members to prioritize each other in order to come out stronger.

The Growth Zone

The most successful members of any group are just as fearful as everyone else. The difference is that successful people know that feeling of discomfort means there is an opportunity for growth. They feel the fear and choose to move toward it.

Chris shines a bright spotlight on the unspoken fears and doubts of front line staff and CEO’s alike. He addresses those places where inner critics sit quietly, whispering momentum-destroying phrases like “You can’t do that. You’re not smart enough. You’re not ready. You’re too tall.”

In this presentation, participants address their inner critics and create action plans to make meaningful changes in their business and in their lives. People walk away feeling inspired to think bigger and take bigger action.

GPS In The Sky

Both individuals and entire organizations are susceptible to being unproductively “busy”. There is a significant difference between being busy and being productive.

Your GPS is part of a billion dollar system that can get you where you need to go. But how are you currently using it?

In this presentation, Chris takes each audience member on a journey packed with equal parts real-world training, inspiration, and intelligent humor to ensure your participants are more productive immediately.

Chris forces participants to examine where they have been and where they want to go both individually and as a team. Everyone leaves the session with written goals including 30, 60, and 90-day milestones. They also leave with a renewed enthusiasm for business.


The Human Side

Business is about creating mutually successful relationships. And when you treat people well, they remember it.

The more time you invest in helping, and connecting with, real human beings, the more interesting & fruitful your journey will be.

In this session, Chris will share personal stories and examples of how to make strategic connections that will lead to loyal customers and repeat business. He will deliver techniques on how to give value first and earn more opportunities; and how to seek out good relationships and deepen them.